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Nottingham Dante Alighieri SocietyAGM 20 September 2022Presidents ReportI would like to thank those people who stepped up and presented during the earlier part of the year John Hess, Marina Coslovi, Only two but they were excellentWe have a full programme for this year but in the new year we will start looking for events for the 2023/4 programme. If you have any suggestions let me or one of the committee know.Financial Report.Over the past two years we have had no income and we have had payments to make for the Website in each of these two years, and also postage and stationary. We have £620.71 in the bank but the Cathedral have increased the rental of the room by 20% and as that was before the energy crisis we could expect further increases. It was decided to increase the subscription by about 25% which I think is the first increase for at least 8 years. Election of Committee.The following have agreed to continue to serve on the Committee.Tony Keyworth - PresidentElizabeth Lodge - SecretaryDawn Hurst - Membership SecretarySid PritchettSue HawkesfordLinda PhillipsEuan Gibby John Hess.Maggie Panikka has decided to resign after many years on the Committee and I have written to her on behalf of the Society to thank her for her considerable support over so many years.Would someone like to propose that these people are elected to serve on the Committee. and a seconder?Proposed by Member Susan Hawkesford Seconded by Member Julie BroughtonAny Other Business - NoneSigned A G Keyworth President 21/09/22———————————————————






Nottingham Dante Alighieri Society

AGM Report 21 October 2023


Presidents Report

We have had a full programme the 2022-23 year and I wrote to all of the presenters to express our thanks. We have an excellent programme set up for 2023-24 although covid struck me down and we had to cancel the first meeting.

Committee Appointments

The following have agreed to stand again on the CommitteeTony Keyworth - PresidentElizabeth Lodge - SecretaryDawn Hurst - Membership SecretarySid PritchettSue HawkesfordLinda PhillipsJohn Hess.Their re-election was proposed by Maggie Panikker, seconded by Susan Hawkesford and was confirmed by unanimous vote from the members present.


Financial Report

IncomeSubscriptions 10 single memberships @ £20 and 3 couple memberships @ £30 = £290,00. Our membership was during 2022-23 26 but we have regular visitors.ExpensesRoom hire £210.00Programme printing £51.00Bank charges £63.77. We are arranging to transfer our account to Santander’s Treasurer Account which is free to use and pays a small interest rate of 1.05%Current Balance Bank Balance £671.94Petty cash £71.25Total £743.19



Any Other Business - none


Signed A G Keyworth President 21/10/23

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